Usually, I’m not that self centered but Alice & Ana took so many awesome photos that I couldn’t resist! A couple of weeks ago, don’t ask me when because I don’t remember, I’m old, me and the two A’s went to Lente cafe, which is a fun little bistro in Bucharest, I recommend it with all my heart, the food & drinks were great and the service likewise. I posted more photos on DailyDreamDecor here, check it out if you missed the post…
I so love the print of this dress, you know I’m not a print person but I adore this one, it was love at first sight, as soon as I laid my eyes on it, I know I have to have it. The sandals, have another story, as you can observe they are flatforms and at first, I was skeptical but they were cheap and comfortable so I ended up getting them.
you look awesome my dear!
I love the entire outfit!! The flower in her hair is awesome btw!
am fost si eu prin Lente cafe, e misto acolo *i'm a bookworm, can't help it 😀 *
toate aratati super :*
you girls look gorgeous! I love the dress, great outfit!
the outfit is awesome as always, but the books you're holding totally have my attention, hahaha.
and the mint drink has made me so thirsty :))
Costin M.
you all you amazing!
Love the dress, it looks great on you!:X
Gorgeous women.
I love your dress. The design is absolutely lovely!!!
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Beautiful outifit! Your ring is gorgeous! 🙂
Thank you.
thanks for the lovely comment and for the advice!! you look amazing in these pics!! followeach other??
Very cute! I love the shoes. I love that you look effortlessly put together.
Lovely dress! The rings and the shoes go perfectly with it!
Imi plac accesoriile tale la nebunie!:)
Gorgeous dress! And I love the sandals too! It seems like u girls had a lot of fun!
adorable dress
Lovely look, as usual :*
Three gorgeous girls! The pictures are great, indeed! 🙂
I love the Taschen books! 🙂
Great outfit and blog ! xxx
Hi my dear! Thanks for the comments on my post! Yours looks awesome! 😉
with loves,
nice posr !
thanks for youre comment!
I love your blog and find it super entertaining. You have such an interesting perspective. I'm subscribing to your site via google reader! Please check out my blog when you get a chance.
a fashion lawyer by day, fashion police by night…I play at red carpet events, shop all over town, and live life in the fab lane in LA!
Oh the photos are sooo lovely! I really love the outfit and the shoes are perfect for it! 😀
thank you 🙂
You look so beautiful! I like your shoes. Nice blog, i follow 🙂
La diversité de la vie, Kaddys Welt, wie sie ihr gefällt
thank's for dropping comment on my blog. wanna follow each other?
thank's for dropping comment on my blog. wanna follow each other?
Thank you for the comment on my blog! Love your style!
You are very sweet! I love your rings!:)
You looks so gorgeous. So natural in that dress!
omg, you are so cute in the first photo ;;). Nice dress…and rings 😡 love your rings ! all of them .
i love your dress and it looks you had fun!
Love the flatforms <3 sunt cumva miniprix?
That dress is really great; I love the print! And those sandals look nice with it!
such a cute dress! great pairing with that bag!
very beautiful and stylish!
you look so amazing.
that dress is darling.
you're gorgeous.<3
you all girls look so pretty and i bet those books and zines were also pretty inside!