A couple of radom photos I took this morning, Cluj is beautiful I urge you to visit it. There where two winners of the Perwoll award, at opposite poles regarding the design, one tackled a minimalism and the other one a more bohemian gipsy inspired style…more to come…

I've never been to Cluj. I wish you a good Sunday 🙂
very lovely pictures, I have to go to Cluj!
Uh I can't wait to see the collections!! Yes, indeed, Cluj is one beautiful town :X
ce bine arata clujul! zici ca esti undeva in austria…puup
It does look beautiful 🙂 I hope you are having a lovely time 🙂
Love, vanilla
yep, my hometown is lovely 😉
Uuuuu 😡
Have a lovely Sunday, my dear!
Si eu imi doresc tare mult sa vizitez Clujul!:X
Cand am vazut pozele cu Bistro-ul Corso am tresarit, bun venit la Cluj!!! Iti urmaresc blogul de mult timp si ma bucur ca ai venit si in orasul meu 🙂 Sedere placuta!
@Iulia: Multumesc:) E superb Clujul dar din pacate nu am stat foarte mult, dar indeajuns sa il vizitez putin! Data viitoare o sa stau mai mult:)
These pictures are lovely to look at. The computer is so tiny!
cute pics!! i love it!
srtalimon ♥
Such a beautiful place, and pics. Thanks for your nice comment.
I have to confess that I didn't know where Cluj was, just looked it up. It is a very beautiful town.
hmm now you have me googling Cluj!
Uhm, arata tare bine. Prima poza este geniala! :X
Indeed, Cluj is a pretty destination!
can't wait to get there again.
do share more pictures, these ones are lovely.