Just a couple of rings, again! You’ve already seen them.
As you know by now, I have a little obsession with rings, little because I just have a couple, but I’m constantly trying to expand my collection. Everybody with their addiction…
I think that “animal” rings are the most “popular”, they always get all the comments, offline not online, it’s funny how people react to them. Is that an owl? Is that a bunny or is it a bear? No, it’s Superman!
Let’s be serious for a second, if you’ve seen a Superman ring tell me about it!
Speaking about rings, have you seen the season finale of Gossip Girl? I think they complicate the action to much… Though, Blair’s princess cut engagement ring is gorgeous. And that Charlie?? Ok, ok, no spoilers:)
ps: I received some pretty bags today, will tell you more about them tomorrow, check out the facebook page for a sneak peak:)
I love the first one and the rabbit ring! Where I can find them???
@Tina: Accessorize and H&M:)
beautiful selection of rings 🙂 I collect them too! it is an addiction 🙂
Love, Vanilla
Oh yes I just saw Gossip Girl and of course it had to be a big complication and a big Blair-Chuck drama. Anyway, I am so curious and can't for next season.
Gorgeous rings! I really love the first one, it has amazing details! 😀
oh how many and how lovelies : )
i adore that tiny with the rabbit, so wonderful : )
seeing them all i realize you don't have a teacup ring ;))
lovely 😡
omg !!!! the rings are sooo pretty . I love them all . The first one is really special. Nice
Yummy! They are all sooo pretty:D
Ce mult inele frumoase…:x
Si da, am vazut GG dar nu m-a impresionat..iar Charlie este foarte enervanta si previzibila, nu stiu de ce au mai adus-o..
I love them all! The turquoise one from H&M I have it too and is my favorite!
I was madly in love with the first ring! ^^
I love it all !!!!!
the first one is my fav 🙂
beautiful rings:X:X
The first one is so lovely!<3
I also love the combination from the 6th photo <3! So pretty!
I adore the first flowery ring, it's absolutely stunning. I'm also in love with the turquoise ring. H&M, right? I saw it recently, but I only had money to purchase a gorgeous bathing suit from them. The ring? Next time!
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that's not superman, but if I find it I will let you know.
Ce frumuseti!:X:X
gorgeous, all of them!
just a tiny observation, when forming a question, the order of the words in a sentence changes. so it would be: is that a bear? etc. you have a lovely blog and it's a shame to have these sort of eardrum-scratching mishaps.
@Anonim: thank you!