This is what I wore on Friday, typical college outfit. I’m not sure if you can notice but I finally got a new haircut, after last years disaster I was afraid to cut it…
Aww, and that’s the red blazer I was talking about, I’ve already seen it three times, but I love it and that’s that!
H&M blazer,bag,ring,bracelet & glasses, Zara tee, Esprit jeans, random loafers, Depot96 scarf and Moschino Cheap & Chic watch.

i know we might be able to see uniforms from HM on the street but i hope girls will challenge themselves into creating nice outfits and not copying one another. do u think i expect too much?
very nice outfit! it looks great on you. I totally love the bag…yummy.
I love the red. good match!
I loev the color of that blazer!<3
I love this outfit! The red blazer is gorgeous! Love the bag and the ring.Beautiful scraf.
<3 the moschino watch
ador ochelarii,sacoul,geanta,totul!
P.S.cum ai reusit sa faci ca sa nu se poata copia pozele pt. a preveni furtul de identitate?
Te intreb pt. k m-am speriat si nu stiu cum as putea face sa nu se mai poata da zoom si copy pe pozele de pe blog…te pup!
Gorgeous look, darling!
Love your jacket and your haircut!
Imi place mult tinuta! Geanta este gorgeous!! 😛
Si da, se vede ca te-ai tuns! Sta mai aranjat. 🙂
Cat a costat gentuta? :X
I love the outfit! Love the red blazer…I want one too!!!
Eu nu l-am vazut pe asta, cred ca nu era in AFI…nu m-a impresionat nimic in mod deosbeit, da' probabil aveam eu asteptari prea mari :)).
Anyway, asta e unul din outfit-urile mele preferate de la tine…everything looks great 😡 Si-mi place si cum iti sta parul 😀
Love the pop of color your red blazer brings to your outfit 🙂
Eternally yours,
@Anonim: 130:)
Love that you matched the red blazer with a leo ürint scarf!Great 😉
wonderful outfit!!
i have to see if my h&m got that cute 🙂
lovely outfit 😀
Chiar daca blazar-ul este o uniforma, ai un outfit foarte dragut 🙂
Puteti participa la giveaway-ul de pe blog-ul meu.
Outfits cute from head to toe…love the red blazer
I fell in love with this blazer when I saw it in the H&M catalogue and thrifted a similar one, but seeing it on you, maybe I should have gone for the original. (:
Just Take a Bow, brand spankin' new blog.
That blazer pops the perfect pop of color dear!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
You look terribly good. I personally love the mix between the strong blue of the jeans and the strong red of the blazer
That is a fabulous outfit!! Adore the red blazer!
Outfitul este superb . Love the scarf !!
:)), you're like me. You like to wear the new stuff all at once and as soon as possible :P.
Anyway, I love the outfit and I think I know the guy in the background of the 4th picture :)))))
Offff…tot nu merge,ti-am raspuns si la stiu de ce,dar dak sterg nu mai merge publicata poza.
Coool blazer!