I wanted to take some still photos today but not a single ray of light around here, only grey depressing skies. And to top it all, tomorrow will snow, if it doesn’t today…
I do hope you have a great Sunday!
Where I live is due snow too, spring seems such a long way off! ha 🙂
Love, Vanilla
I want spring too! It's too cold in my town, but there's a wonderful sun! There's a post about it 😀 Come into my blog if you want, you're welcome 🙂 Kisses
Depressing weather here too:( It looks like I'll be staying in bed and watching movies
Singura mea temere este sa nu se astearna iar porcaria aia pe jos… Din cate vad ninge deja:| Nookie, vroiam sa te intreb ceva legat de sandalele alea FABULOASE ale tale, luate de la topshop:D Ma bate gandul sa-mi comand niste pantofi de la ei dar nu prea stiu cum e cu marimile.Mi-am luat multe tepe cu pantofii pe net si mi-e frica sa nu-mi fie mici daca imi comand numarul meu:( Any suggestions? Oh, and sorry for being offtopic :*
Da, da sa vina primavara! m-am saturat de vremea asta gri! :*
Oh, I so love these photographs. Bring on spring!! 🙂
mmmmm…I wish that was my garden :***
I so agree!! You should do a Spring-calling chant 🙂
Ooooh, I agree with U…I need a Springtime! 😀
Where I live is due snow too, spring seems such a long way off! ha 🙂
Love, Vanilla
I want spring too! It's too cold in my town, but there's a wonderful sun! There's a post about it 😀
Come into my blog if you want, you're welcome 🙂
si eu doresc sa ajunga primavara cat de curand!
oh i cant wait for spring!
Blending Style, Celebs and Fashion
Depressing weather here too:( It looks like I'll be staying in bed and watching movies
Singura mea temere este sa nu se astearna iar porcaria aia pe jos…
Din cate vad ninge deja:|
Nookie, vroiam sa te intreb ceva legat de sandalele alea FABULOASE ale tale, luate de la topshop:D Ma bate gandul sa-mi comand niste pantofi de la ei dar nu prea stiu cum e cu marimile.Mi-am luat multe tepe cu pantofii pe net si mi-e frica sa nu-mi fie mici daca imi comand numarul meu:( Any suggestions?
Oh, and sorry for being offtopic :*
Da, da sa vina primavara! m-am saturat de vremea asta gri! :*
Oh, I so love these photographs. Bring on spring!! 🙂
mmmmm…I wish that was my garden :***
I so agree!! You should do a Spring-calling chant 🙂
You should come here to Texas. It's unseasonably warm. Almost 80 degrees.
Ramblings of a Small Town Girl