Here are the steps:
Step 1 To section the hair, place your thumbs above your ears, draw a line around the back of your head until your thumbs meet. Gather the hair above your thumbs and clip it out of the way.
Step 2 Split the lower section into 2. Turn your head to the side. Insert the ghd IV styler horizontally at the root. Hold the styler at both ends for greater control. Begin to create the glamourous wave using the ghd IV Styler by rotating the styler upwards 180° and pull down through the hair.Then rotate the styler in the opposite direction and pull down again another inch. Keep this rocking movement until you reach the hair that has been clipped away.
Step 3 Release the top section of the hair, and repeat the technique using the ghd IV Styler. Continue through the side section until you reach your desired parting.
Step 4 To finish the look, rake your fingers through the waves to smooth and define.
Waves for me consist in having my hair up in a bun all day, and then let it loose; after that it looks something like in the first picture!
For more tutorials visit
I'm going to check this out 🙂
Love, Vanilla
Mie imi place super mult ca ti-l lasi tot timpul (aproape) natural. Iti sta foarte bine asa. :*
Oooh I am definitely heading over to the ghd website now!
Your blog is fabulous – I'd love it if you stopped by mine sometime.
Andrea x
I use the babyliss curling wand for curls, because my hair is sooooo straight!
si eu sunt adepta look-ului natural….ma omoara coafurile care ne adauga ani in plus…de fiecare data o buftam la coafor inaintea vreunei nunti….de cativa ani am renuntat la coafarea de nunta…ma execut acasa :))
Nici eu nu fac nimic cu parul meu.Doar cand am toane si ma apuca sa-l aranjez. Pur si simplu il las sa atarne si gata.Placa am folosit de vreo 5 ori maxim in toata existenta mea iar drot…de vreo 10:))
So, leave it that way. I like it:*