I took this photos a month ago but everything was so hectic with college, and it still is, that I forgot about them.
I actually odered the Michael Kors shoes for the wedding, but I had to have a purple dress and I don’t see gold & purple looking great together. Ohh well, I’ll wear them eventually.
I’m hoping that by the end of the week, my new project will be up, so stay tuned, because it gave me a couple of headaches and I hope you’ll love it.
I drooled when you first showed us these babies and now i'm drooling again. Michael Kors and Chanel. Are you trying to kill me?:)) And please nookie, don't die!!! I need my daily dose of "fashion in my eyes" :*
Beautiful Shoes 🙂
Love, Vanilla
Gorgeous photos! Love those shoes 🙂 Better take a taxi! 😉
Lovely! The shoes are beautiful!
love the gold!
love the shoes!
love you! :**
those shoes are KILLER.
i freeking love them.<3
Great post! Love those shoes!
very nice photos….and combination 🙂
i love them!!
i like the pop of gold… i always love doing a little color pop
what a gorgeous post!!
Oh I so love them! The heel is amazing ! I can't wait for your new project 😀 you made me curious
Dar merge perfect mov cu auriu 🙂 E chiar o combinatie foarte elevata, ca sa zic asa 🙂
Superbi pantofii!
Eu cred ca mai potrivite nici nu ar putea fi culorile. Si daca erau in intregime aurii pantofii,tot nu ar fi fost o problema. 🙂