Today was delivery day, all my orders arrived, and even though I should be learning about monetary policy right now I took some time off to take & post a couple of photos.
So, those are my new Topshop block heels along with the leopard iphone case, which I’m not sure I’m gonna use, and that’s the gorgeous Arina Varga dress I told you about last week, I wear our love on my shoulders. Arina custom made it for me and I love it so much!

I really love these heels! Looking forward to see how you style your new dress 🙂
Love, Vanilla
oooo, gorgeous heels!
Am avut dreptate cu rochia! 😀
Sa le porti sanatoasa! Abia astept poze cu noii pantofi si cu rochia, sa vedem cum iti vin!
the perfect package: heels, dress, thingie-for-the-iphone and Vogue 🙂
those shoes are so fantastic.
God, those shoes:X
Omg! Love the heels and the dress seems amazing, can't wait to see an outfit post featuring them!:)
OMG those shoes are amaziiiing! I just love the heel, can't wait to see you in a post with them 😀
What wonderful little treasures
Look forward to seeing how you wear that dress