Who doesn’t love the sales season? Now the skeptical we’ll say, yes, but they are all past collections and stuff that wasn’t sold and nobody wanted. And yes, you got the first part right, but who really cares?
I’m not the one to spend a little fortune on clothes, and you know that, I rather spend all my money on shoes and bags because I tend to keep them for several years and their value will be amortized. I kept money especially for the sale season, because I know how it is to be broke when everything is really cheap and on a daily basis you could afford it.
Sales are perfect to get those pieces you craved all season and didn’t have the chance to buy them, or for basic and versatile items that everybody needs.
I want to get some gorgeous cashmere cardigans from Zara, yes the evil Zara, a Christelen B bag from Musette, a couple of cozy dresses because lately I’m wearing only pants, a sequin jacket from Depot96 which I probably won’t wear, and lots and lots of jewelry. Though the Christelen B bag I would get full price because I want it for a long time and my name day is coming up and I have an excuse to spend money. Right?
What do you want to get?
Toate gasim scuze!:))
Vine Revelionul si nu am inca in ce sa ma imbrac…sper sa gasesc ceva frumos. Si inca nu mi-am gasit nici cizme…damn!
si yo la fel,ink ma gandesc cu ce sa ma imbrac de revelion…trebuie sa fac o tura de shopping,sa vad.pupici
haha, I'm so daaaaaaaaaamn happy! mi-am luat rochita Lanvin x H&M la jumatate de pret. era ultima, marimea mea. Absolut de fiecare data (cu mici exceptii) gasesc pe net/in magazine, ultimul produs, marimea mea !:))) I'm so fuc***g lucky !
Mhmmmm… I love sales, but I agree with U. Shooooeees and bags! Absolutely! Now, I need a new woolen cape in black… maybe at Benetton, but when I saw it was so expensive. 🙁 Knitted dresses, because I have never have enough dresses, I guess! 😛
Mrrrrrrrrr, de cand le astept! Pusesem ochii pe niste chestii tot la the evil Zara dar nu m-a lasat inima sa dau 5 milioane pe ceva ce stiu ca e de calitate indoielnica si care foarte probabil va fi la jumatate de pret in curand…
Ai idee cand incep reducerile la Zara?:D Sau au inceput deja?/:)
I feel like getting something glam… and lacy!
Spor la shoppinguit! 🙂
oh i love the sales! i always tend to goa little mad though and buy everything without checking the size or the fit….
Blending Style, Celebs and Fashion
I've been keeping an eye on a couple of evil zara dresses 🙂
i love buying things i haven't been able to afford when they're finally on sale! basics are also one of the things i love buying on sale… sales = bliss for a shopaholic!
Ador reducerile! visez la un plic de la Accessorize si abia astept sa-l vad redus! :)xoxo