Misc | December 16, 2010May 8, 2016 last two days in pictures My friend Diana Girly shots at HotCity’s Christmas Party with the girls from Pixie Shoes My order from ibecameaddicted
Imi placea acea poza cu shot-utile! Pacat ca nu ai o poza a pardesiului alb din fata! http://de-vero.blogspot.com
Your order is so cute and so is your friend's scarf! P.S. Seriously the monkey journals are adorable aren't they?
uh..si eu mi am dorit puloverasul de la Ibecameaddicted..pachetul meu nu a ajuns inca :(.ce vroiam sa te intreb…bratarile la ce pret au fost? 😀
Da-mi voie sa-ti spun ca ai avut doua zile tare frumoase! 🙂 xoxo
Ce par frumos are Diana. 🙂
Si mie-mi place mult parul Dianei 🙂
Cute pics!
Awesome shots, darling!
The last one is especially gorgeous!
looks lovely, dear 🙂
Fun! Love the turq nails!
Imi placea acea poza cu shot-utile! Pacat ca nu ai o poza a pardesiului alb din fata!
Lovely photos!
seems like u had fun :)):D:*
Your order is so cute and so is your friend's scarf!
P.S. Seriously the monkey journals are adorable aren't they?
Loving the look of those baubles!
Beautiful pics!
2 zile frumoase.
uh..si eu mi am dorit puloverasul de la Ibecameaddicted..pachetul meu nu a ajuns inca :(.ce vroiam sa te intreb…bratarile la ce pret au fost? 😀
cat costa bratara cu perle?
@Poofie & Anonim: 45:)
Ahhhhhhhhhh! thanks for sharing ibecameaddicted!! mi=am petrecut toata ziua chinuindu-ma sa aleg 😀
puloverul cu ursulet cat e?