After the impulse UGG buy of yesterday, now a new idea stroke me, I NEED a pair of wedge booties. Though the UGGs weren’t in my schedule, I bought them anyway, now I just need to wear them outside!
I’m on the watch for a pair of wedges similar to one of these.
What’s on you wishlist this month?
Barbara Bui
ps: Koko is having a huge contest, so if you’re good with make up brushes check it out!!!
gasesti destul de multe modele frumoase si pe!:)merita sa te uiti,cel putin..te pupic!:*
these are gorgeous ♥ all of them :))
Cred ca cel mai mult mi-as dori prima pereche 😕 ♥
Cred ca sunt singura persoana din lume care nu poate sa mearga pe wedges 🙂 da-mi tocuri de 10-12 si merg perfect, dar cu incaltari cu talpa ortopedica ma impiedic si e nasol 😉 Asa imi plac, dar ce folos? Cred ca trebuie sa merg la un curs, ceva, sa invat cum se folosesc 😉
Love the first pair.Honestly i dream about many things but i don't need them;)
I`m looking for the same thing too!!
I love all the shoes you posted:D
Imi plac foarte mult cele de la Chloe 🙂
Acne rulz:)
I have so many things on my wishlist right now! But first, I have to clear out my closet to make room for new goodies! Enjoy the UGGs! I don't care what people say, I love, love, love my UGGs 🙂
These are fab wedge booties! I´m lusting for a pair of tall black boots.Still looking for the perfect pair though.
tu esti extraordinara! ai un simt estetic extraordinar(din nou ma repet)!
continua tot asa! la cat mai multe postari(nu stiu de ce suna ca un comment de 'La multi ani' pt blogul tau…dar asa e:D)!
ma pasiona makeup`ul, dar de cand am descoperit blogul tau am incercat sa ma axez mai mult pe fashion!
Bravo Nookie!!!!
Those Barbara Bui are perfect for me!
@Georgina: Multumesc!!!You made my day!!!
I bought some wedge boots in New Look the other day, so comfy!
Cei de la Acne sunt superbi
Chloe for sure. Fantastic booties.
Primele sunt superbe!!
i've been looking for a pair of wedge boots as well! no luck so far for me 🙁
Love the chloe lace ups. :)SarahD
Love the Chloe boots. I'd love a pair myself!
Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
I want them all!! great finds xx
the Chloe wedges are gorgeous! Lace-up, high-heels booties are on my list this fall.
Wow lovely shoes. I want to have one too.
im into these boots/wedges!
i saw one at new look yesterday. was 53.90 singapore dollars. (like the first one in the picture) BUT THERES NONE OF MY SIZE:(