…made me blind. Ohh well, not really, more like too much laptop. As you can see, I’m wearing glasses now, ok, ok, from last week; actually, they are for distance because I can’t proper see the formulas at the econometrics class. Hahaha, not only there…
I can wear them all the time if I want too but it’s not mandatory, plus everybody is asking if they are for real, even the teachers, which is fun because that was the point in getting this frames. Aren’t they cute?
Also, this evening I got to see Les Elephants Bizarres,live at the launch of Sun Time magazine, kudos to the guys from Sun Plaza for inviting them. They’re one of the best bands in ro if you ask me and I wanted to see them live for a long time, remember this post?
Those glasses look great on you 🙂 OMG! Laughing at those slippers! XOXO
Ce bine iti sta cu ochelarii!:X
You look awesome!!!!! love the frames 😡
i love your glasses! they make me want to need glasses… 😛
super misto poza, iti sta super asa, un pic frenchy
😀 Iti sta foarte bine!!! Pe zi ce trece ma uimesti tot mai mult!ador ramele:X
De unde ti i-ai luat?
Iti sta bine cu ochelari:D si da Elefantii bizari sunt foarte tari:D
I like your glasses. I need to get some new ones soon. Anyway, welcome to chic girls that wear glasses club 🙂
you look pretty even with glasses and the slippers are pretty too, let's face it! 🙂
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Those glasses are fantastic on you!!
I like your glasses!
Bine ai venit in clubul miopilor! 🙂
You look really special in your glasses.
B* a la Moda
They look great on you! You are very chic! 🙂
Ochelarii iti vin foarte bine! 😀
Eu i-am ascultat cantand live la Happy Hour. Imi plac. 🙂
@georgiana: thanks!
de la un "magazin" de la mine din zona, tineretului:)
nu au fost planuiti, am iesit sa cumpar cereale si am zis sa imi fac si un control:))
ochelarii sunt superbi.imi caut model wayferer,sa fie si negri si unii colorati-roz sau rosu.ai tai sunt chiar super cool!
haha, great title "too much fashion…"
you look great with these glasses, however, ti's pretty funny that the blog it's called fashion in my eyes and now it seems that fashion can hurt the eye :))