So, if you read Gala Darling, you know what’s all about. This is my first Things I Love Thursday.
Here it goes.
- These Acne Pistol boots, they are amazing, I had a similar pair of about two year which I wore until they sole broke.
- All the Lanvin x H&M collection.
- Glee
- The Moschino Toujours Glamour perfume, it’s smells so dreamy
- All the lovely messages&comments I get on tumblr and here.
- How my hair looks lately.
- The fact that I eventually found my finance classes.
- My thrift finds from yesterday.
- This really really fab set on polyvore.
- Macaroons:)
And that’s all I can think about right now.
What do you love this Thursday?
Nu e de la Zara,caut modelul asta de ceva vreme si l-am gasit din intamplare in IDM.
Nice post.
Tell us more about the thrift finds from yesterday. 🙂
Yes, tell us more, tell us more:D
Hmmm…i guess the only thing i love today is the weather, finally i'm not freezing anymore!:D
Hmm, astazi imi plac pantalonii mei cu cookie monster (so confy), chipsurile noi de la lays cu aroma de castraveti murati (i know, weeeird but somewhat addictive), si balsamul de buze de la yves rocher cu portocala si ciocolata, care miroase exact ca o prajitura 😀
Andreea, nu stiu daca te referi la fustita cu floral print dintr-un post anterior, dar daca da, te asigur ca e de la Zara, pentru ca eu o am identica pana la ultima floricica, ii pot face poza cu eticheta and show you 😀 A costat 49 de lei si am cumparat-o prin iulie.
@Gingerrr: cu castraveti murati? hmm, nu am gustat..
Andreea se refera la o geanta, care am crezut eu ca e de la Zara, gen peek a boo:)
ps: scuze ca dureaza atat de mult cu premiul, nu am uitat dar inca nu am primit cardul:(((:((
Oh, my bad 😀
Nu e nicio problema cu premiul, don't worry! 🙂
I love your blog this Thursday !!! …like every day 🙂
Nice post!
I love hiking, chocolates and wooly sweaters 🙂
what thrift finds?! :>:))
Love Lavin and Macaroons too 🙂
Boho Market Blog
Chocolate…but I love it every day.:)
Love this building…reminds me of downtown Buenos Aires!