I really need one and some chill pills, college is killing me slowly. And even though, I post every morning most of the posts are scheduled while I’m at courses. Like this morning. I so love 7:30 seminars.I’m ranting again, I have issues, I know…
Happy Friday!!
that's right! keep calm!
Oh gosh, I'm so not a morning person. Am sarit in sus de bucurie cand am vazut orarul semestrul acesta, am ore cel devreme de la 12 🙂 Phew!
You'll get used to it! 😉
Mie imi vine sa plang in fiecare dimineata cand suna ceasul…dar dupa 10 minute imi revin si ma bucur ca am mai mult timp la dispozitie decat cei care dorm pana la pranz.:)
i so wanna get my hands on this :))
I know exactly how you're feeling
Early mornings and far too much work seem to be on an endless loop right now.
Take a deep breathe, you can do it!