Yeah, I’m the weirdo with no heels.
This evening I went to AloChic Meet 2, I wore my Preen dress and Pixie Shoes brogues, gonna post tomorrow all about the event. Also, I noticed if I introduce myself with my real name ( Denisa) , people look strange at me…But I can’t really say: “Hi I’m nookie” . Ohh well, I’m too tired to think clear right now…

Introduce yourself with both your names! 😀 Although, I think Nookie is easy to pronounce and it's cute. 😉
Ce taree, the Pixies:X
I always call you Nookie…ar fi ciudat sa-ti zic Denisa :)) Tu-mi zici si Koko si Maria :)))
pup, lovely pic :*:*
nice shoes!!!
eu sunt una din personele care s-a uitat ciudat. abia pe drum catre casa am realizat, de fapt, de unde si cm ne stiam :)) sorry, don.t think bad of me, please. nu am facut-o intentionat :)) recuperam data viitoare 😀 :*
nice shoes. I could't make it to the event unfortunately
Great shoes!