Two bags in two days, I have issues, right? On Sunday I got this Zara bag because I was frustrated, fours hours without any buy? Actually I was angy not frustrated, though the bag is really useful for college eventhough it’s more like a laptop bag. It was waiting for me because I wanted to buy it two weeks ago too and I changed my mind.
Yesteday was the “it” day, got a Preen dress, a lovely and slightly big Preen dress and a Liebeskind Berlin Esther B bag. It’s the perfect slouchy bag for me. I absolutely love it.
Also, I’ve came to the conclusion that I don’t have where to take pretty photos in my house….
Now I need to analyse the gross domestic product of Romania and calculate some really intereseting indices, yeey for me!
Now I need to analyse the gross domestic product of Romania and calculate some really intereseting indices, yeey for me!

Preen is one of my favorites! I got a Furla bag during the weekend- it's like a laptop bag too, which I kinda like as I do not have to carry my other laptop bag, just throw it into my Furla and I am ready to go! 🙂
I love that bag!
I really love this bag, it's so cute! x
Foarte frumoasa! Sa o porti cu placere! Question of the day: cate genti ai? 😀
Exact asta caut si eu,desi ma tenteaza mult si cele din piele de pe topshop.com..le-ai vazut?
uuu….lovely ♥
Cam aceiasi problema o am si eu pozele prin casa, n-am un perete liber in toata casa, trebuie sa dau laoparte mese si scaune ca sa fac loc x( Cat despre genti…si eu sunt curioasa cate ai:D
Noooo, no issues at all. Just a great love for nice bags. I really like the Esther B. Both stylish and functional.
Gorgeous bag!
Am studiat poza asta de o mie de ori si…i got to have this!!!
De unde mai exact ai cumparat-o si dak nu sunt prea…bagacioasa,e scumpa?
Sunt inlove indeed cu ea!
both bags are really pretty. i love this one so it was a good buy. 🙂
Love the bag and black is a classic and neutral color, it matches with anyhting in your closet. 🙂
P.S.Te baaaat!M-a mancat in palma sa intru pe site-ul lor unde ai facut link in postarea ta si…mi s-a taiat respiratia pt. gentile Esther si pt. Paula…deci,unde este acest magazin???Le-ai vauzt acolo?
I'm sick,too!
Love the bags, especially the one from Zara!
great buys you've got there!
Fantastic buys, so so gorgeous!
I want a laptop bag which is as pretty as that!
I know what you mean about taking pictures, it's real difficult for me too