How to wear shearling / aviator jackets

Shearling jackets are hot right now, and I’ve been searching for one (offline)  for more than one month, the only one I like costs 600$. Though I know they aren’t cheap, 600$ for a Zara item is way to much.
I’ll find one eventually, right? Until then I’ll wear my “blanket” grey coat…
They aren’t only stylish but cozy too, and with the weather we’re having here , the aviator jacket it’s mandatory for me. Actually it isn’t but I want one.
 Fun fact: Did you know that a parachutist, Leslie Irvin, invented/designed the first shearling flying jacket?  
So here are three ways to wear a shearling / aviator jacket. The one I used it’s from Hilfiger Denim, I would’ve prefered a darker one.
Do you have one? How you would wear it?


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