Crezi ca poate aranja si sprancene "hopeless"? :)) Lucreaza la un salon anume?
I'm Brigitte Bardot 🙂
Great photo ! I have a Eyebrows magician girl here in Timisoara!!! 🙂
This is a great pic, love to know how our fave classic stars also influence in the eyebrow styling area. Too cool!
xo Sophie
that's so sweet of u 😛
Awesome; love the photo!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Janet
Multumesc. Chiar voi salva numarul si o voi suna pentru ca si eu am probleme cu sprancenele. 🙁
I love that picture! I always pluck my own eyebrows; though I had a slight mishap a few weeks ago that was anything but beautiful. Luckily, they have since grown back!! 😛
Eyebrows are always the perfect natural accent to the eyes. <3 this post, girl!
Lovely photo. A nicely shaped eyebrow is a simple way to enhance your natural beauty.
lovely drawing 🙂 xoxo
Cele care sunt cele mai "unforgettable" la ora actuala: sprancenele lui Carine Roitfeld 😉
what a fab picture
Crezi ca poate aranja si sprancene "hopeless"? :))
Lucreaza la un salon anume?
I'm Brigitte Bardot 🙂
Great photo ! I have a Eyebrows magician girl here in Timisoara!!! 🙂
This is a great pic, love to know how our fave classic stars also influence in the eyebrow styling area. Too cool!
that's so sweet of u 😛
Awesome; love the photo!
Multumesc. Chiar voi salva numarul si o voi suna pentru ca si eu am probleme cu sprancenele. 🙁
I love that picture! I always pluck my own eyebrows; though I had a slight mishap a few weeks ago that was anything but beautiful. Luckily, they have since grown back!! 😛
Eyebrows are always the perfect natural accent to the eyes. <3 this post, girl!
Lovely photo. A nicely shaped eyebrow is a simple way to enhance your natural beauty.
lovely drawing 🙂
Cele care sunt cele mai "unforgettable" la ora actuala: sprancenele lui Carine Roitfeld 😉