So, what do you need to do?
Create as many sets as you want using the FashionInMyEyes MiniEditor below, I’ve selected 100 of items for you to choose from, dresses to shorts and BAGS, and a couple of items at the end to help you create a proper background. The contest it’s open until September 7th.
One blogger and one reader will each win a $1000 Visa gift card. The criteria for selecting the best Mini Editor will be based 50% on how many sets are submitted and 50% on style & aesthetics. The winning blogger will select his or her favorite set created by a reader, and that reader will also win $1,000.
The more sets the better.
For those you didn’t use polyvore until now, here some tips on the style and aesthetics of the set:
- Make set big sets.
- Create them in square shape so they don’t shrink
- Use the items I’ve picked to help you create a background for the clothes.
- For shoes that aren’t in pair, add them twice and use the “FORWARD” , “BACKWORD” tools. Aswell, use the tools for layering.
- Rotate the items to fit your needs.
I’ll update the items, every two days. If you got a question, leave a comment. Also, if we’ll win, I’ll pick another winner.
Get your own Mini Editor from Polyvore
Enter the contest!! by nookie featuring satin blazer
Updated items!!! by nookie featuring rope necklace
New items! by nookie featuring high waisted shorts
New items in the MiniEditor!!! by nookie featuring silk scarves
this is absolutely great!!! I'm having so much fun creating features here!!!
I just love your ideas Nookie!!!!
Fabulous set and contest!
Good luck!!!
Exciting 🙂 I'll definitely be spending some of my free time here.
Cool contest! I don't have much experience on Polyvore, but I guess I could give it a try.
Just made one dear! Love that my blogger buddies are doing this!
Good luck with the contest. I really like your blog.
chiar merita incercat!
bravo pt. idee!
Good luck nookie. Sper sa castigi 1000$ 😉
nu castig doar eu!
castiga si una dintre voi!!
I love the bag and the dress 🙂 Kiss
The set you made is so cute! I wish they had this simulator everywhere so I can buy whole outfits in one setting! Love this!
So fun!
juliet xxx
great selection. love the shoes!
(new post: Missoni inspired top & follow me)
cool, i'll have to try this out!!
Wow, this is great, good luck to everyone who is entering!
BTW love your blog!! I'm now following!
Stop by mine anytime xoxo
amazing… i love it
great ideas..
i love playing with polyvore set. 🙂
just installed the vidget on my blog too, I'd be honored if you visited and created something cute :)!
Am o intrebare, daca ma poti ajuta: de unde iti iei tu backgroundul? sau cum il pui?[nu alea ce sunt acolo standard] pentru ca eu am tot incercat dar nu am reusit 🙁
mersi mult!
hey, great items! love your sets! and the blog 🙂
– "silver."
i want to creat better sets but somehow most of the back ground images are breaking into kinda limited…too bad
tks for leaving msg in my blog. And i am very sorry that i cut a part of background from ur blog head band to creat mine. As u see my blog is very new which made about 1 week ago, i am very new to do blog and still hv lots to learn. I hope u don't mind.
Hope u like the sets i created..!!
Hei! E f tare chestia asta! Poate mai poti baga ceva obiecte… 😀
@LadyZ: sunt limitata la 100 de produse, dar maine o sa le mai schimb:)
Ooh, I LOVE this contest!!
By the way, you are a master at creating Polyvore sets – j'adore!! 🙂
I've never used polyvore before – but am thinking this is a good reason to start!
lovely sets x
I love the sets you made!
offtopic: i need advice. am o rochie tricotata destul de mulata de la h&m, gri, maneci scurte, putin deasupra genunchiului. intrebarea mea este: cu balerini de piele neagra sau cu oxford shoes, tot negri? asta pana imi iau cizme scurte de piele intoarsa cu care ar veni mai bine 🙂 mersi
Sounds amazing!!
@Irina: cred ca rochia se potriveste si cu balerini si cu pantofi oxford, acum depinde de ocazia si de stilul care vrei sa il adopti:)
O iesire la ceai cu prietenele de ziua mea 😀
@Irina: then go for the oxfords:)
au toc?
7 cm, tocul clasic semi-grosut 🙂
@Irina: if they are comfy , pick them:)
you know, oxford>english>tea:)
aww, and happy birthday!!!
this is fun =)
Hei 🙂 Chiar sper sa castigi, ai un stil fresh de a scrie si de a aborda moda 😀 Eu am tot creat seturi zilele astea, sper sa te ajute. Pe mine sigur ma ajuta sa-mi dezvolt simtul estetic. Good luck!
Hey Gingerr, muuuuultumesc!!!
Si eu sper sa castigam iar seturile tale sunt super, le-am vazut pe toate;;)
OOO sunt super toate seturile! foarte interesante!!!E noua mea ocupatie chestiuta asta cu mix & metch de pe polyvore :))
asa ca iti multumesc!
si multa bafta!