Yes, we did! We won! I can’t find my words right now, I’m shocked. Thank you for all the amazing sets, you are the best readers ever. Love you and love polyvore!!
Opening a polyvore account more than 2 years ago totally changed my life, because of polyvore FashionInMyEyes exists today.
Here’s a part of the post announcing the winners : Nookie’s readers created over 2000 sets in her Mini Editor, but what really stood out was the amazing visual quality of the sets!
Opening a polyvore account more than 2 years ago totally changed my life, because of polyvore FashionInMyEyes exists today.
Here’s a part of the post announcing the winners : Nookie’s readers created over 2000 sets in her Mini Editor, but what really stood out was the amazing visual quality of the sets!
😡 by nookie featuring heart jewelry
Now I need to pick the 1000$ winning set and the other 3 winners. I’ve told that there will be another 3 winners if we won. This will be hard.
Congrats!!! Thumbs up!! 🙂
I am so excited for you….
When I saw your name as the winner I about freaked out.
Oh my gosh! Bravo! This is so wonderful! Way to go dear,I am proud! 😀
congrats again! 🙂
congratulations 🙂
ce ma bucur 😀 bravo gagica!!! :*:*:*
Congrats! You are so awesome 🙂
Felicitaaaaari Nookie!!!:D
Felicitari!!!!! Meriti premiul asta si ma bucur ca a fost castigat de o romanca talentata!! 🙂
Congratulations! You really deserve it, you're like the polyvore master!:)
Uber-cool!! Congrats!! 🙂
how fun!!! congratulations!!
BRAVO!!! :*
oh Nookie! that's so awesome. those were some really great sets. congrats luv!
congratulations again, sweetie! xx
YUUUHUUU !!! Congrats!!! You really deserved this girls!!!! I'm so happy for you.I was expecting this news…for what…2 weeks or so 🙂
Congrats !!!!!
omg… cant belive it..i never won or helpt someone to win ever…i'm glad you won…unbeliveble… are the greatest
OAU! Felicitariii!!! Ma bucur ca ai castigat pt ca blogul tau e foarte foarte tare :*:*
Cat de tare!!! Congrats!!! 😀
You're the best 😡 yeeey 🙂 congrats!
Can`t believe it!:D Congratulations…you deserved it!
Nookie, acum ai vazut ca ai castigat!!! FELICITARI! extraordinar, sunt bucuroasa pentru tine!!!
Felicitari! faci cinste :)) :*
iti iau o cafea d'aia naspa din Moxa:)):))
Thank you girls! You ROCK!!
Congrats!Sa ne zici ce iti iei!:)
Great news! Congrats!
XO, Ioana
aww Congratulations!!!!!!
this is tré cool girl =)