J’aime les bijoux

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Remember the über cool haircut I got at Maison Esthetique last year? Maison Ethetique isn’t just a saloon but it also organizes different fashion fairs, J’♥ les bijoux is the second one.
So, if you’re from Bucharest go check it out next Saturday, I think I’m gonna be there too because Alice from Dulapul Bunicii is participating.

Sâmbătă de ceai, târg de bijuterie şi muzică, pe terasă.

Când? sâmbătă, 11 septembrie

Unde? Salonul Maison Esthetique, str. Cezar Bolliac nr. 52, piaţa Alba Iulia

Cu cine? Dulapul Bunicii, La Femme Coquette, v4vintage, Freevole&more

Din partea casei: ceaiuri şi dulciuri

Intrare: liberă

Prieteni: hipmag.ro, alomoda.ro & fashioninmyeyes.com


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