COS or “Clothing of Style” it’s actually a high end branch of H&M, didn’t know that until today. I love their products because of their simplicity; as you may noticed, or not, I dress kinda of simple.I’m a conservative person, ha:))
The reason I’m posting about COS, other that I love their line, is that I scored an awesome COS blazer for a fraction of it’s original price ( 125 euros), until now I had only a tank, worn here.
These last couple of days were perfect for shopping, I got a bunch of stuff including another YSL shirt and a pair of loafers, which I’m gonna share soon. I usully don’t spend my money like crazy but school is starting and I have an excuse. Right?
Wow i'm definitely a fan and I had no idea COS was affiliated with H&M. I wish we had stores in Aus!
Azi era plin de haine COS la Miniprix, cea mai scumpa chestie era 58 de lei, o rochie super faina, gen anii 50, deci chiar in trend 🙂 Cel mai ieftin, 19 lei, un top. Gaseai tot felul de minuni, pe culor predominant inchise.
Mai am si eu cateva de la ei si sunt foarte, foarte faine, materiale de calitate, croiala impecabila. Joi trag o fuga sa imi iau un sacou, sper sa il mai gasesc 🙂
these shots are fabulous – simple, but mysterious too…
I'm liking this. Really minimalistic pieces, but very chic! :)SarahD
I'm a huge fan, the catalogue is amazing. I love all the items here
Mia Bbook
Gorgeous images, love the looks!
can't wait to see your purchases…:)
such well crafted pieces.
very elegant.<3
imi place colectia
un plus de eleganta:X
@dressaddict: pai de unde crezi ca l-am luat:))
o sa ma mai duc si eu maine, vroiam sa iau si o jacheta dar era prea mare… poate maine mai baga marfa si gasesc mai mica:D