Yeah, they are nice, but I've seen too much Hermes belts like that one, some of them fake, some worn badly. So, the Hermes doesn't represent any more the idea of luxury, exclusiveness..
love the moschino belts! it's the one "logo exception" id' be willing to do! ;;)
I have a brown Moschino! 🙂
god i love those moschinos.
i needd onnnee.<3333
Love the moschino belt!:)
the moschino belt is so cute, but i also like all the other accessories in this photos too.
So gorgeous, darling!
Love the Hermes!
I love these belts.
oh i love them!
Blending Style, Beauty and Fashion
i love moschino belts…I've dreamed of having one for sooo long 8->
The moschino one still stayes the classic one.
I prefer the Moschino belts!
Mustart x
I love Chiara's belt
Mia Bbook
OH gosh OH MY… those belts… am i drooling? yes… blah
i love your blog
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Nr 2.Hermes is my fave.
yes, mam!
these belts are amazing!
i'd never seen the hermes ones, but loving them both! x
I really like these belt and they look so good with pants and dresses.
loving all the belts. haha! I noticed that few bloggers make posts purely for belts. That's a great job, girl 🙂
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Yeah, they are nice, but I've seen too much Hermes belts like that one, some of them fake, some worn badly. So, the Hermes doesn't represent any more the idea of luxury, exclusiveness..
love the moschino belts! it's the one "logo exception" id' be willing to do! ;;)
Love belts!And these are great!
follow if u like
Love the Moschino belt, in an ironic kind of way
Omg!1I love the HErmès one!! I WANT IT!!BUT IT'S SOO EXPENSIVE!!
I can't choose which one I adore more – they're both tres fab!! 🙂
Have to say I prefer the Hermes. They're a little more understated but I think they're also more elegant 🙂
I've wanted an Hermes belt like this for a long time. It's a splurge, but my last name starts with an "H," so it's even more justifiable … right?
What I wouldn't do for one of those Hermes belts! Le sigh.
I love the moschino ones!!
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