Because I was on the hunt for a pair of wedges, subconsciously, these couple of days, I made only sets with wedges. Umm, one of them was on purpose.
Sunday, I was looking for wedges and I ended up with the dress; today, I wanted a belt and I got wedges. Strange are the ways of shopping.
Although, I love my new pair of sandals, I’m not gonna share them yet; they are a mix of these 3 pairs, plus some studs.
Sunday, I was looking for wedges and I ended up with the dress; today, I wanted a belt and I got wedges. Strange are the ways of shopping.
Although, I love my new pair of sandals, I’m not gonna share them yet; they are a mix of these 3 pairs, plus some studs.
Also, what do you want to see more on fashioninmyeyes?
And don’t say outfit posts ’cause I’ll need to rent a sister…
And don’t say outfit posts ’cause I’ll need to rent a sister…
WOW! I love them all, dearest Nookie! U have a great taste, no doubt!
im so in love with wedges right now xxxx
Loving the last pair!
Great collages.
cute choices!
Ugh! WHY must you torture me so? Now I'm DYING to see them!! 🙂
The wedges is cool! I love it. You have nice shopping time 😉
Ooh the hint of color in those Amaya wedges! I'm def checking some out in NYC!
I love wedges…they used to be so hard to find. I hope they're back permanently.
i love wedges sooo muchh.
theyre fabbbb.
Eu as vrea sa vad mai des outfit posts, clar! Si articole mai lungi, cum a fost cel cu "made in". A, si interviuri, de preferinta facute de tine :D. Si alte poze facute de tine, legate de moda, gen street style, vitrine, chestii care iti atrag atentia.
Love them!! I've been looking for wedges too!! No luck yet!
Those wedges are gorgeous! I'm also looking for a pair lol
thank for your comment 🙂
i love your blog:D
your making me want a pair now!
High street + Couture =
i love wedges too! but i oonly 2 pairs..ok maybe 1 ..does slippers look alike wedges count? haha.
Stiu ca toate interviurile au fost facute de tine. M-am exprimat gresit.
Cat despre outfit posts, stiu ca e greu cand nu are cine sa iti faca poze. E intr-adevar o problema. Poti sa incerci sa pui aparatul foto pe modul automat, sa vezi cum iesa. Prin excursii imi mai faceam poze asa, cand eram singura.
i know, what you mean. i have the same 'problem'!
oh, i'm in need of some wedges for summer!
i love these. especially since they're from the photo inspirations haha <3
I'm exccited to see your wedges!!!
i just bought wedges last week too. i cant wait to wear mine. lets be twins. haha. and yes i do want to see more outfit posts. i love love your latest style.
Love love all of them! You're always so inspirational. And would love to see your hair in a braid! xx
I would like to see more statement articles, like the one about shopping for the brand 🙂
I like all of these wedges and I think that a good pair of wedges are perfect for spring.
Hmm, I really love when you talk about style-must haves of every season, like wedges this spring.
Strange are the ways of shopping indeed. It's always difficult to say what I want more on a blog, because what I really want is to be surprised by the other person's creativity. I love your collages for sure!
All of these sets look fabulous! I'm not sure what it is, but I've been loving wedges even more lately.
Love the last pair I've had my eye on them for a minute!
True Queen
You create the most gorgeous polyvores! I want to have all the outfits!
I've also been craving wedges lately. They're the perfect balance between dressy and casual.