The Inditex girls or how I take street style photos

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irst of all, Inditex is the group which controls fashion retailers like Zara, Pull&Bear, Bershka and Stradivarius.
I was asked how I pick the girls to photograph for the street chic section, kinda of awkward because I don’t take that many pictures, and also why I don’t take photos of the Inditex girls( that’s how I call them).

The Inditex girls are those trendy girls who dress only from Zara,Bershka&co, they are easily recognizable; carrying quilted cross body bags, wearing skinnies and simple ballet flats. Indeed, they are fashionable but not quite stylish, they don’t stand out from the crowd, they all dress in the same way, they look good but if you turn your head a little you can see more of them. Hope you understand what I mean.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Zara and the rest of the stores, but as individual selected pieces not a blend between all of them. In my opinion, Zara holds the monopoly, the rest are cheaper versions of the brand, especially on the casual side. If you have notice, in certain malls, the stores are lined up and to quote my mom: it’s like visiting the same shop. Nevertheless, the Inditex shareholders found the key to success; and, yes, Zara was the start of it in 1975.

I usually photograph girls that differentiate themselves from the crowd, not necessary because of the whole outfit, more like a sparkly shiny piece that pops out. It can be a dress, a bag, a scarf, a pair of earrings, you know, the black sheep in the white sheep flock. It may seem weird, but that’s how I see it…

Still, there are those absolutely stylish girls, looking like they just now came down from the runaway, medium end(Zara&co) mixed with vintage plus a drop of designer pieces; the majority know they are dressed well, and walk with an arrogance aura surrounding them. And yet, I don’t photograph them, mainly because they may say no and if they accept, I don’t want feed their ego.

~photos via weheartit~


  • I know what you mean by looking like the rest… of course, you want to feature somebody with a unique style. And style doesn't come from wearing head-to-toe designer pieces, it's how they mix and match and confidently carry their outfit that matters. And yes, don't shoot the arrogant bitches. I believe style should be coupled by elegance and good manners. xoxo

  • so, you think, you're right?

    i don't really share ur opinion.

    someone doesn't have to be special or something. it does not matter, what someone wears, if someone is really beutiful, he would came out of the crowd in his own way.
    if youre pretty the clothes are completaly irrelevant.

  • i know the inditex girls… and i do agree that its better to combine mass market clothing with vintage and higher end designer pieces. that way u make your look your own. its extrenely uncreative to dress head to toe from the same label.

  • Oh Denisa, felicitari pentru post! Mi'a placut foarte mult. SI l-am simtit, mai exact am simtit cum ai pus punctul pe un i care stiam ca e incomplet, dar pe care nu reuseam sa-l reperez. Este foarte usor sa pici in aceea categorie, si eu am facut-o cu unele outfituri, si da, toate luam de la Zara, greu sa n-o faci cateodata. Insa e o diferenta intre asta si a fi asa cum ai definit tu foarte bine o Inditex girl.

  • haha…cristal clear for me! On my agenda first page I've written: "You were born an original. Don't die a copy." it motivates me. Have a wonderful weekend!

  • my dear nookie… just wanted to drop by and say i look forward to your posts every day and you never fail to impress me with your down to earth way of thinking:)
    thank you for your charming personality, brilliant post, please keep them coming!

  • i have to say this is one interesting post. When it comes to Zara&Co, some days I like them some not so much. Being dressed in Inditex from head to toe is just absurd, but it can happen – but not to me. To be honest, I really can`t afford it. At least not while being unemployed, and with crazy prices as are here in Croatia. Not that crazy, but these brands are overrated here. much much overrated.
    And I agree with you, there is some strange arrogance in them, and i appreciate much more girls with real and unique sense of style 🙂
    p.s when i think of my last blog photo of my outfit, it was zara+bershka tee and cardigan. oh -sigh- -sigh- well it happens 🙂

  • Zara in sus si Zara in jos
    sunt ok hainele de la Zara dar uneori devine sufocant sa vezi ca toata lumea poarta haine de la Zara

    aaa si inca o chestie
    daca iti iei ceva de la Zara trebuie neaparat sa iti iei si sacosa de acolo ca altfel " nu ma vede lumea ca am fost in Zara"


    chiar felicitari ca ai pus problema asta 🙂

  • Ce denumire amuzanta le-ai dat – "Inditex girls" :)) Ai dreptate, am observat si eu o gramada de fete imbracate numai de la Zara&co, aratand dragut, dar prea asemanator. Puteam sa spun exact de unde au cumparat fiecare articol vestimentar. Recunosc ca si eu cand vreau sa imi cumpar ceva, tot la Zara si restul merg prima data. Mi-ai dat de gandit.

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