1 : made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive : forged
2 a : insincere, feigned b : imitation
What are your opinions on fake items darlings? I’m on the edge here, because there are lots and lots of pretty expensive designer items that I would love own. From a Proenza Schouler Ps1 bag to a Miu Miu print dress, right now, you can really find almost all of them in a cheaper version. The Chinese copy everything that moves, however those are the labeled ones, and there is Steve Madden, Zara, forever21&co.
I have this issue for a long time but it hit me last week when I went to browse Zara and found the cvasi-famous Miu Miu print on some of their items; ok, it’s not identical but clearly you know that’s “inspired”.I confess I wanted to buy a dress only because of the print, but I didn’t and I won’t.
While, I resisted the urge to get me one of the sparrow/cat dresses I’m not sure if can resist to buy a fake Proenza Schouler ps1 from ioffer, am I bad? Considering some facts I am, still it’s not my fault that the real one costs 2000$ and excludes a big market of buyers (aka me) and it’s really temping to get it for 60$.
I would have wanted the ps1 bag no matter the brand, I don’t want it for its exclusivity and if I had the money I would buy the original one without doubt. I’m not searching excuses to buy counterfeit, and the good thing is that it has no label.

I have this issue for a long time but it hit me last week when I went to browse Zara and found the cvasi-famous Miu Miu print on some of their items; ok, it’s not identical but clearly you know that’s “inspired”.I confess I wanted to buy a dress only because of the print, but I didn’t and I won’t.
While, I resisted the urge to get me one of the sparrow/cat dresses I’m not sure if can resist to buy a fake Proenza Schouler ps1 from ioffer, am I bad? Considering some facts I am, still it’s not my fault that the real one costs 2000$ and excludes a big market of buyers (aka me) and it’s really temping to get it for 60$.
I would have wanted the ps1 bag no matter the brand, I don’t want it for its exclusivity and if I had the money I would buy the original one without doubt. I’m not searching excuses to buy counterfeit, and the good thing is that it has no label.
How about the girls who bought the Alexander Wang fringe booties imitation from forever21, or the Dior sandals from Steve Madden? It’s not the same thing?
It’s tragic when you pay for the real thing and you end up with a fake.
Decisions, decisions, I think I’m gonna stick to my plan to save for a camera, so no fake ps1 for me.
Tell me girls, would you buy counterfeit?
ps: browse a little ioffer!
I offer is amazing!
– Adele
i think it all depends: if i'm willing to spend good money for the real deal, then that's what i want. no fakers!
but for some things, i don't mind a knock off (like sunglasses). it's all about having style no matter the brand.
I think counterfeit is great for the wallet, but it depends how much you really like the look & style but you can't afford it. But I think most designer items have better quality, so it depends how long people are planning to keep things.
Am against counterfeit, but that first pic is very cool!
I prefer to hold out for the real thing, even if I have to get it on consignment or eBay.
Hmm…cand ti-am raspuns pe twitter ma gandeam strict la fake-uri, gen posetele alea LW lame and so on 🙂 Dupa ce ti-am citit postu', banuiesc ca eu as fi luat rochia aia de la zara (doar pt ca nu stiam nimic de miu miu si ca se poarta imprimeul cu pisici) si probabil as fi cumparat si imitatiile.
Deci : definitely "NO" to counterfeit and "MAYBE" to knock off.
Ca sa ma exprim in "termenii mei", n-as cumpara niciodata o paleta fake pe care scrie "mac" dar as cumparara,probabil, imitatii dupa culorile de la ei de la alte firme (pt ca la noi nu se gasesc).
mm i think it really depends! i mean obviously ordinary people wouldn't be able to afford an entirely designer closet, but it'd be nice to invest in a few key pieces that are classy!
i love the PS1 too!!
but alas, cannot afford it :-/
I don't really buy counterfeit, but I mean in some way all the lower lines are really copying or making the designer lines available to the masses.
At the subject: I would buy the original, same as you, if I had enough money. Since I don't have, I buy what I can.
But if someone ask's me, I rather tell the truth then boast myself.
So I don't think we should be "ashamed" of our financial status. Until it could get better, that's what we have and it's not an awful thing.
I adore the chanel paper bag! So cute:)
Sometimes is so nice to treat yourselves to something more special, Dont you think?
Great post:)
I can't do counterfeit. Many times, counterfeit goods are used to support organized crime, prostitution, child labor, sweatshops, etc. Even if it's not, it's a knockoff and not chic.
I do find it hard to reconcile with the very high prices of some designer items but that's a separate issue. It's unfortunate there's not always a copyright on style and it's sad other designers can't just make their own designs (Forever 21 is constantly being sued by designers though).
I don't mind similar designs or taking inspiration from but I am against fake designer bags with logos attached.
I will admit that I have bought replicas of Balenciaga and Marc Jacobs bags; so yes, I will buy counterfeit. I won't, however, pay a lot for it. 🙂
I would definitely buy it. I think more than the brand the criteria for me is if I like the design. If I see an imitation bag that I love for 60, is the same as if I see a regular bag that I love for 60. I just get it!!
B* a a Moda
True, of course, always is cool,
but yes i would buy imitated
because they look just like the real thing.I would buy the original, same as you,if i had enough money.But this young woman budget money not
expensive enough.Anyway,nice,that these are favorable versions,too.
Nice week!
As gorgeous as the PS1 is (I considered blowing my savings on that little baby, also), trendy bags come and go, but a camera is something that you will use and cherish for years to come – I think it's more practical, personally. So I say, go for the camera! 🙂
I'm not a stickler for labels, I just happen to love everything that's super expensive!
There's obviously a huge difference in quality. But if forever 21 or Steve Madden make inspired pieces and probably not ones as noticeable are a miu miu print..that's going a bit far. I would buy it.
I'd buy vintage, I'd buy "inspired" and of course if I had the money I'd buy the real deal.
I'm loyal to myself, not labels.So it all depends..on me.
True Queen
fabulous post x
I think I would have to be guilty of buying both counterfeit (Chanel bag!) and knock offs 🙁 As much as I don't like the idea that it was knocked off I simply can't afford the original. And honestly, I'd feel a bit frivolous to spend so much on a piece of clothing.
While quality is quite important, I simply can't afford the real thing.
Thanks for raising this interesting point! It's neat to read everyones ideas
A plus B
I don't mind "inspired" items – pieces that are not claiming to be the real thing. But items that are flatout counterfeits with logos and tags (like the faux LV stuff) is not for me. I'd rather save up for the real thing, even if it takes me a while!
I generally try not to buy things that are obvious knockoffs… but sometimes, the real thing is way too expensive for me…
i hate paying for fake things. i like counterfeit DIYs, tshirts that you make, or things like that paper bag. but i refuse to buy a fake bag or clothing.
eu mi'as cumpara
imi lace in special a 3-a
I would not buy fake stuff, but I haven't got any problems with the thing Zara does- I love the cat print 🙂
have a lovely week, darling Nookie.
about the Zara dress…I like it too and saw it on almost every blog I follow.yesterday I went to try it ( I was almost convinced I want to have it),but surprisingly it doesn't fit on me…and I don't find it so pretty now 😀
About the print … it's definetly "inspired" but not shabby
…but originality is infrequent and expensive and comes in small pieces doesn't it? (…at least for a poor student like me 😛 )
have a nice day!
I want so much to buy imatation bags because I don't have the money to buy the originals.. I mean I don't want to buy an exact replica,it's just that I want to have a bag with those designs,it's not about the brand…