What does Joe, Hampton, Dexter and Charles have in common? They are all tote bags from Poketo, made with recycled suits, how cool is that? Eventhough they are for guys, I wouln’t mind one for myself, I carry a lot of stuff around, and these tote bags are so awesome, and eco-friendly too. Next time, my dad get’s rid of a suit, I’m gonna make some experiments:)

i like it!
Definitely something different!
juliet xxx
I love the designs… it has character. I don't mind carrying a man's bag. xoxo
ha i love this!
Check out my SATC giveaway!
So coooool!
omg wow that is sooo cool!
lmao I love this!
True Queen
Am inteles… gasesc eu ceva asemanator, pana la urma.
Si, ca sa fiu cat de cat la obiect, barbatii nu sunt facuti sa poarte geanta!:)) Dar nu m-ar deranja una din asta… pentru mine:)
wow, these are so cool!
how…CUTE! omg I love it 🙂
How interesting!
– Adele
wow! that bag is so cool! x
I have to admit that I love this idea..but I'm not sure I can push BF to wear it 🙂
Cheers: Evi
Ps: Many thanks for the B-day message 🙂 Means a lot!
haha! these are great.