Like I said,yesterday I attented the launch of alkesmishtii for TinaR,the accessories laboratory.Ten romanian designers (plus one painter) worked hard for this line and there is a limited number of items, only avaible in 5 TinaR stores.
I don’t know about you,but their name remindes me of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.These alchemists are not quite Nicolas Flamel and their pieces don’t give eternal life,just a chic way to accessorize your outfits with necklaces,brooches,rings,headbands,earrings and bags.
The Rfb by TinaR line is gorgeous and I’m very proud to be in the community and take part such great events.Also,I’m glad that TinaR is supporting romanian designer because they are talented and hard working people:)
And now a couple of photos:)
Credit photo:Alexandru Buruntia&Roxana Radu(the details)
cand o sa pui poza aia care-mi place mie atunci o sa las si comentariu >:P
Gorgeous photos, darling! Love those paintings!
Love the photos! Looks like so much fun!
i'm so jelous u got to go to this awesome event. did u get to keep any of the goodies?
Hello to youuu.
ohh you also have these cute Fifi Lapin pictures in your header! I loove this blog 😉
Also looove your gorgeous post and I´m sure you spent an awesome time and had lots of fun!
Have a wonderful weekend with lots of smiles and happy moments!
Looks like fun! I love the bracelet and the purse!
imi plac la nebunie gentile gourmandise:P
Love those photos of you! Have a lovely weekend 🙂
buna nokie as vrea sa te intreb de ce nu mai postezi pe blogul tau diferite tinute pentru tot felu de ocazii…si leapsa…parca mai demult aveai alt stil…mi-a acum imi place..dar ai putera sa completei si cu ce ti-am zis eu…that's my pinion…sper ca nu te deranjeazaca ti-am zis…:) scuze pentru eventualele greseli dar m-am grabit
Colectia de accesorii TinaR pentru RFB mi se pare o idee geniala. Din ce metal sunt facute?:D
Imi place la nebunie cum te-ai imbracat. Geanta e super!
Great photos!
Have a great weekend! xo
oh this looks amazing!
That purse and bracelet are gorgeous – such a pretty pair. But I adore those colorful key earrings – so kitschy and cute! 🙂
Buna Ioana,
Nu ma deranjeaza,ma bucur cand primesc feedback de la cititoare.Nu mai postez diferite tinute pentru ca nu prea mai stiu pt ce ocazii sa postez.Pt ce ti-ar placea sa fac tinute?
Tocmai am facut o leapsa saptamana trecuta:)
Imi plac mult cerceii tai si as fi vrut sa ma delectez si eu cu absolut tot ce era acolo! 😀
de-abia astept sa ajung in romania si sa vad bijuteriile pe viu, mi se pare o idee minunata colaborarea dintre desigeri si tinaR