Holiday plans:
- get a part time job
- open an online shop(everybody has one:)
- catch up with my reading list
- get a decent tan
- learn french…tres chic
- get my driver license and convice my dad to lend me the car:)
What are your holiday plans?
Berska blouse,Promod pants,Vintage bag(Pigeon),Rieker sandals..
Eu am atatea planuri.Principalul este sa merg in vacanta in Italia.Si sper sa se intample acest lucru.Xoxo!!!
woow what is the online shop going to sell? i kinda of want to start one too but i'm afraid it will be a waste of time and nobody will want to buy crap from me.
That is one busy holiday!
the to do list sounds good, i hope you get everything done! x
Online shop would certainly be fun! Best wishes & fabulous summer!
Great summer plans! I would love to see an online shop from you!
Eu vreau doar sa supravietuiesc verii acesteia si poate…o mica fuga la mare si la Barcelona!:)
Nice blouse!
good luck with the plans- can't wait to see the online shop 🙂
happy Friday, xoxo
Si eu vroiam sa imi permisul de conducere vara asta sau macar sa fac scoala, dar nu mai am cum, fiind in deplasare :(,
Eu inca astept vacanta…:( .Dar am o multime de planuri. Merg in Delta, invat germana, citesc vreo 3 teancuri de carti, recuperez niste filme, fac ceva miscare, fac practica la spital, putin voluntariat si a trecut vacanta.
sper sa-ti indeplinesti toate planurile si sa te distrezi vara asta:) poate vii prin constanta pt bronzul ala si ne vedem la o cafea:)