
I’ve been so busy these days.My final exams are approaching and I am starting to stress out.
I didn’t buy a dress for prom and when I will,I’ll buy the simpliest dress I find.If it’s an asymmetrical one shoulder black dress,it’s perfect.Simple no?

In spite my lack of time,I started to read Lovers and Queens by Benedetta Caveri wich I bought with Saptamana Financiara(financial week).The book presents the life of french queens and lovers from Catherine de Medici to Marie Antoinette.Now I’m reading about Madam de Pompadour and I only have left Madame du Barry and Marie Antoinette.

Currently, I’m struggling with some economy subjects that are very annoying because I need to write argumentative essays…Ieeii..

Dress and bag
Flat phyton sandals Givenchy
Sunglasses vintage Dior
and Sasha Pivovarova in Vogue India


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