chloe combat boots

Trei bloggerite, trei stiluri diferite dar o pereche de ghete in comun:Chloe combat boots.
Ghetele astea se pare ca sunt foarte populare, Rumi de la fashiontoast are chiar 3 modele:ghete rosii&negre si cizme rosii.
Eu le citesc blogurile cu mare placere si a fost interesant sa observ ca trei fete din locuri diferite
Rumi din California, Alix din Franta si Lulu din New York au aceste ghete.

Three bloggers,three different styles but one pair of boots in comun:Chloe combat boots.
This boots are very popular,Rumi from fashiontoast has 3 pairs,red&black booties and red boots.
I read theire bloggs wit great pleasure and it was interesting to see that three girls from different places Rumi from California, Alix from France si Lulu from New York have this boots.


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