I bought these Mango ankle boots last week, it was love at first sight they are a suede version of a really old pair of mine which got lost. I found only one photo of them because I got them before I started the blog, still, I’d wear them in heartbeat if I could remember where they are. Small space, lots of mixed shoe boxes equals nightmare…
Yes, I know these Mango ones are a look-a-like of the pretty Acne Pistol booties but that’s not the main reason I bought them, though check out the blog these evening for a big post on affordable & similar pistol boots.

ps: I’ll pick the Naturalizer shoes giveaway winner this evening…sorry for the delay!
Cool boots! I want it 🙂
Karina Dinda R. ♥
Love love love, I just fell in love I swear!!
Lovely ♥ I'll come help! :)):D
they look comfy! 😀
Love it! I bought the Topshop ones that u posted on FB last night 😉
superbe,mi-am cumparat si eu azi o pereche.
tie ti-a venit numarul tau?eu mi-am cumparat ce marime port dar imi vin fixe ,39 imi era prea mare:(.
great boooties, a must for this autumn!
great boooties, a must for this autumn!
@besiuta1: nu, le-am luat mai mici pentru ca eu sunt intre marimi so niciodata nu gasesc exact marimea mea… dar si mie imi erau mari 39, chiar foarte mari, avand in vedere ca port 38,5:)
daca tu porti 38.5 si ti-ai cumparat 38,ele mele imi vin si mai bine daca port 38 si sunt asta.
sa le porti cu placere.
cool boots! I like it! 🙂
I love your blog and your otfits, I'm following you!:D
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