I’m alive! I missed “friday photo” and “get the look” yesterday, but I was so busy, I really didn’t have time to post:( Bad blogger, I know… I finally got the chance to wear my new Fifi Lapin …
You know that a couple of months ago I wanted a Fifi Lapin t-shirt… They were available at forever21 and I couldn’t have one, now, there’s a brand new Fifi Lapin line available at Pimkie. I discovered it …
Can someone please tell me why forever21 doesn’t ship to Romania? I want a Fifi Lapin shirt! And it’s not the first time I rant about this. How cute is this t-shirt? Fifi is wearing a Luella outfit♥ …
Ea este Fifi Lapin!Nu-i asa ca e o scumpa?Fifi e o adevarata fashionista!Este singura supravietuitoare din 257 de frati si surori:)):)) si este foarte rasfatata de catre mama si tatal ei:)):))!Puteti afla mai multe despre ea aici! 1.Fifi …