Outfit post: fifi lapin tote bag

 I’m alive! I missed “friday photo” and “get the look” yesterday, but I was so busy, I really didn’t have time to post:( Bad blogger, I know… I finally got the chance to wear my new Fifi Lapin …

Fifi Lapin for Pimkie

You know that a couple of months ago I wanted a Fifi Lapin t-shirt… They were available at forever21 and I couldn’t have one, now, there’s a brand new Fifi Lapin line available at Pimkie. I discovered it …

another fifi lapin shirt

Can someone please tell me why forever21 doesn’t ship to Romania? I want a Fifi Lapin shirt! And it’s not the first time I rant about this. How cute is this t-shirt? Fifi is wearing a Luella outfit♥ …

fifi lapin shirt

Forever21 shirt Dark Denim ShortsChestnut Classic Tall Boots by UGG AustraliaChloë Sevigny for O.C. Elastic SuspendersChanel Beige Caviar New Jumbo ClassicShelly Steffee tights

meet fifi lapin

Ea este Fifi Lapin!Nu-i asa ca e o scumpa?Fifi e o adevarata fashionista!Este singura supravietuitoare din 257 de frati si surori:)):)) si este foarte rasfatata de catre mama si tatal ei:)):))!Puteti afla mai multe despre ea aici! 1.Fifi …