The nights are getting longer, the mornings are getting darker and there’s a distinct nip in the air. It doesn’t take a psychic to know that winter is coming! So be prepared for the chillier weather and avoid the seasonal blues by getting yourself winter-ready.
If you’re prone to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) then you’re not alone. Lots of people suffer from this seasonal and cyclical depression, although the exact numbers aren’t known. If you’ve never heard of SAD before, it affects people by making them feel down, under the weather and depressed in the winter months. And not just in the same way that we all wish it was warmer and less grey outside! SAD is a real syndrome and can make people feel tired and stressed as well as down in the dumps.
The good news is, however, that SAD can be treated and there are things you can do now to prepare for the winter months and make sure you’re not swamped by that overwhelming blue feeling as soon as November hits.
Once bit of premeditative action you can take is to look into light therapy, which may involve investing in a light box. Light boxes can take the form of desk lamps and wall lights and produce a very bright light, which is very effective for many SAD sufferers.
Getting to the root of your problem may require a more prolonged form of therapy and may involve speaking to a professional. If you have lots of anxieties regarding winter, perhaps it is something a little more deep-seated, such as a traumatic bereavement which occurred in the winter. Speaking to a therapist could help, or you may benefit from alternative therapy from a hypnotherapist or even a professional psychic.
Whatever you decide, speak to your GP first to see if they recommend this particular therapy for you, and you can hopefully look forward to a happier, SAD-free winter this year.
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