on to the next one

*I’m currently struggling with 300 pages of business law,need to “learn” them all for Wednesday…That’s why I didn’t go to law school,it seems that I didn’t escaped:)If it was criminal law I would have had a chance, but …

back to school

Foarte greu a fost de realizat setul asta chiar daca e destul de simplu! Blugi skiny Levi’s model 511Cardigan gri cu camasa DebenhamsBotine Oxford Nine WestGeanta Marc JacobsParfum The Beat Burberry


Derivate,matriei,determinanti,inductii, mai sunt?Sigur ca mai sunt!Doar incepe un nou an scolar si pentru multi, inclusiv pentru mine, clasa a 12 a!YEEEEEY Trecem peste!Back to school boys style! Blugi RepublicCamasa in carouri RepublicVesta J.CrewBocanci John VarvatosMessenger bag J.CrewCurea Banana …