Remember the campaign I did for FashionUp 4 years ago? Well, I sure do! Because the pics from the campaign wore the ones that made want to lose weight. Yeah, that good I looked in them. This coming for a person that never quite actually had self-esteem problems, I always loved my body and I will always do, no matter the size, the bullying and other issues.
Still, because I love myself that much + the photos, I started to take better care of myself. Narcissistic much?
There are another set of photos, from last years prom, that motivated me to start working out! So, yeah, let’s praise bad pics for motivating healthy choices.
There are another set of photos, from last years prom, that motivated me to start working out! So, yeah, let’s praise bad pics for motivating healthy choices.
Now, FashionUp turned 4 and I was invited to take part in their new campaign along with 9 more bloggers. For old time sake, you know? Sometimes, you shouldn’t do things just because you’re melancholic…
Well, I picked a dress from Nissa which came a little bit late, then came the emails, then the phone calls, and then I got so annoyed, that I snapped… I’m a nice person to a certain point, you don’t want to get on my nerves… I hate being pressured for no reason:)
Aww, the competition, yeah, there’s a competition too, there are a couple of prizes for the participating bloggers and for the voters. You can vote for me here, I don’t want to win but if I do, the prize will go to one of you.

Thanks Adina for the pics!
Aww, I promised some pics, if you didn’t click the first link.. yeah, those were the decent ones! Damn angles and clothes!

Thank you for the dress, FashionUp! Work a bit on attitude 🙂
You look gorgeous!
Oh this dress is just stunning, and you look amazing in it! 😀
Esti super draguta! <3
Si arati mult mnai bine decat acum patru ani. Peste patru ani vei fi si mai superba! 🙂
Te-am votat. Bafta! Sper sa castigi!
Girl, you look gorgeous! I absolutely adore these pics!
te-am votat! iti urmaresc blogul de cateva luni si nu imi vine sa cred ca erai tot tu in pozele alea…bafta!
Arati foarte fain si te avantajeaza mult rochia!
Pe mine sigur nu ar sta asa bine. hihi
That dress is beautiful and the color pops so well against that bright blue..oxox
And you were not fat in those photos four years ago. You looked great. Within time we find "the look" and size that makes us comfortable. What is more important too, is that you are working out and eating better. Your still beautiful.
te prinde minunat culoarea asta! super 😉
I just realized I was reading you 4years ago