Since the snow started, I didn’t wear any other pair of shoes because, you know, I never check the sole and I end up with ice skating friendly boots. Still, I could have switch to a more stylish pair of shoes but I try to keep things real, 20 cm of snow and there’s me, popping with sky high heels…well, add some ski poles and you get the picture!
Also, how in the name of winter can some young ladies go out practically naked, you know with those tiny leather jackets, no hat, no scarf, nothing, when it’s so freakin’ cold? Can someone explain, I have a dilemma here.
I kind of brightened these to much, still learning…
glow sweater seen here too
thrifted silk shirt
h&m pants
bbup winter boots
parfois accessories

Love the color os the knit! It makes the eprfect combination with the dotted shirt!!!
Superba tinuta!
Ce frumos iti sade cu culoarea asta!
You look so lovely in this pink sweater! <3
Fuchsia asta te "indulceste" la fata, makes you look so sweeeeeet and childish. Ador a doua poza ♥♥♥
Cat despre acele donsoare, eu vazui una azi in dres (yep, ai vazut bine, doar DRES, cizme pana la glezne, avea o vesta faux fur pe ea si o fusta din piele.
Eu fiind imbracata cu o bluza si un pulover pe deasupra, dres si pantaloni negri grosi pe deasupra, si fularul la gat. Si totusi, imi dardaiau picioarele de frig :)))
You can look great with clothes on too girls, try that once in a while!
what a beautiful smile 🙂
Roz cu buline si auriu..ce dragut si colorat!! Si au iesit foaarte fain pozele :X
Anyways, some people are crazy cu vestutele si gecutele lor. Eu ma intrebam ieri cum pot sa asortez bocancii cu haina de blana :))
I absolutely love the outfit, pink looks so pretty on you!
u look so beautiful !!
foarte dragut puloverul, intr-adevar nu poti sa iesi pe vremea asta in altceva infara de bocanci/cizme
Lovely polka-dots, mai ales cu fuchsia:)
si people who think a bit nu ies pe vremea asta in altceva decat bocanci/cizme fara toc de iarna 🙂
just saying…;)
…cand am vazut poza postata de tine pe facebook, speram in secret sa gasesc un indiciu despre unde ai cumparat camasa si sa nu fie thrifted.
Pff…n-am avut noroc 🙂
You are one lucky girl for finding such a treasure!!!
Grozava combinatie!
Cute blouse and sweater 🙂
Love that sweater!
Love the bright pink and polka dots great combo!
Great outfit 🙂 Perfect boots 🙂
Love this look, e atat de vesel!:X
foarte draguţă combinaţia <3
Credeam ca doar eu am dilema asta! Probabil ele cred ca sunt la moda. Intr-un timp, chiar ma ofticam pe fetele astea. Imi doream si eu sa nu port trei siruri de haine ca sa nu tremur, insa am mai crescut si mi-am dat seama ca poti sa arati bine si cu multe haine pe tine :))
Look at all that snow! I love your outfit, you combined perfectly the bright sweater!
I'm following on Polyvore (julietav) and now your blog too, it's fab!
xoxo Julieta
This brightly colored sweater looks so cute layered over your polka dot blouse.
Imi place foarte mult bluzita…si in combinatie cu celelalte piese vestimentare arata foarte frumos.Mi-ai dat o idee foarte buna…am si eu o bluzita asemanatoare si nu stiam in ce combinatie sa o port.Mersi:*