*picture heavy*
So, last night I went to the H&M inauguration, I wanted to take lots of photos and buy lots of stuff ,but due the amount of people there I couldn’t.
Some of you where curious about the prices, they are ok, they practice same prices. From what I’ve observed there are cheap items, like really cheap, and accessible ones. I do think they use high quality fabrics, but yes, there where a couple of pieces made from not so good fabric, and I don’t mean the cheap ones…
The stars of the night where the staff, and I think it’s really important to have great staff eager to help the clients. I instantly loose interest in a product if the staff isn’t interested to sell it to me, if you know what I’m talking about…
All in all, was a great event, I should have gone later to avoid all the lines and maybe, actually, try on something. I bought a red blazer, me and other 100 people, a striped dress, a pair of jeans which don’t fit me right, an amazing bag ( Sofia Copolla for LV sounds familiar?) and lots of accessories…
A big thank you to Silvia@BucharestStyle for the third & last photo;)
great pics!
h&m is the best <3
Hahaha I have that blazer too. I also bought a green belt which I really like and an orange skirt.
sper sa ajung si eu cat de curand 8->
ti-ai luat sacoul rosu cu buline inauntru si rochita cu dungi albe, portocalii, negre si roz? :)))
astea sunt si pe lista mea de cand au aparut pe site si m-am gandit mai bine sa le cumpar din magazin decat online pt ca asteptam prea mult 😀
great pics!
@Veronica: ♥
@sandra: nu, sacoul nu are buline iar rochia e simpla, white/navy:)
thanks for sharing your thoughts.
i'm dying for that SC for LV bag but i will wait for the madness to go away as i can t stand crowded stores.
Thanks for sharing, I'm also a big fan of H&M!
I love your glasses! You should post more photos of yourself 🙂 (maybe with your new h&m clothes ;-)!!!)
uhumm 🙂 cannot wait to see pics! :*
Am fost si eu ieri in Afi inca de dimineata. Am primit voucher, yeeey!:) De cumparat nu am cumparat inca nimic, era nebunie la case, la cabinele de proba. Sper sa se mai calmeze atmosfera saptamana viitoare.
In my area there is no h&M 🙁
Good weekend!:*
Oh that is super amazing!
si eu vreau H&M! ziceau ca anu asta deschid si in Timisoara, deci mai tra' sa am putina rabdare.
lovely pics! we want photo with the items you got:d
Great pics! Too bad there were somany people there that you couldn't enjoy the store more :)) But at least now we have an H&M store!
Banuiesc ca vor face si magazin online,si sa trimita podusele de aici din Romania.:)
Oricum sunt curioasa sa vad cum arata magazinul,de fapt sunt doua in bucuresti,nu?
hey, I used some of these pics in a post on my blog, I hope you don't mind – http://wp.me/pMNzi-Fv
let me know if it's not ok though 🙂