Shopping in Bucharest

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Saturday, we had a blazing hot weather in Bucharest, so because my air conditioner broke I thought it was a good opportunity to check the fall collections at the mall, and maybe buy something.
I should have stayed home and endure the heat…
I had the biggest disspointed ever at Mango, the prices were sky high, I mean a print blouse for more than $50. Ok, it was $50, the model was ok but the fabric was low quality, I wouldn’t pay more than $10 on it. The sad thing is that 80% of the collection, items in that Mango store, were expensive, for me, and low quality. At Zara, for instance, some are really expensive but let’s face it, they use good fabric, when I touch them they don’t feel like the ones from “12 lei produsul” ( $4 Made in China products). The blazer selection at Zara is exquisite, I would have bought all of them, but I’ll get some when they will be on sale.
Bershka and Stradivarius, versions of Zara Trf, for teenagers, I couldn’t stand a lot there because the music was scratching my ears. I do wonder, how the clerks there can stand it, or maybe I’m to sensitive.
New Yorker, a big designer inspired magazine, ehhm, actually almost all are designer inspired, but not the pieces I crave.
I ended up with a watch and a YSL inspired ring from Parfois, and I refrained to buy some bags, uhmm a lot of bags.
I asked a question about stores on my facebook page, kudos to Ioana for shopping mainly online and for sharing a special shop, La Clara, Tarina Tarintino rings a bell? I’m gonna check it out for sure. And kudos to Miruna too, for putting up with all the Made in China stuff:)
There will be a “shopping in Bucharest part II ,III…n” for sure and, hopefully, I’ll shop online more. At the end of september a big designer shopping center will open here, can’t wait to see what they’ll have.

How about you, what are your fav shops?

ps: sorry for being m.i.a this weekend and don’t forget to enter the $1000 polyvore contest and the Asuyeta giveaway.


  • you know, loud music is a huge problem for some shops. it makes me think they are trying to hard to attract "hip" people. uh-um!

    anywho, can't wait for the next post from the series! xoxos

  • Si eu sunt dezamagite de ce gasesc prin magazinele noastre: lucruri scumpe nejustificat..
    De cumparat online inca nu am prins curaj dar cred ca ma voi apuca usor, usor sa iau mai multe lucruri online pentru ca magazinele noastre desi nu mai au clientela, ridica preturile excesiv. 🙁

  • I like a lot the things from Bershka and Stradivarius (and let`s not forget Zara).whenever I`m in, I cannot hear the music…I`m so concentrated!!!!:)))silly me!
    nice post btw!

  • do not even mention shopping… this is my favorite mood improver! i'm a second hand junkie, and i usually buy stuff via the internet or in h&ms.

  • i shop a lot at h& – and it doesn't even feel like a shopping spree, just like getting gifts in the mail;)
    but i love to shop in general, and i go as often as my wallet lets me!

  • first of all, IHate the loud music in the stores, second i share your recent disappointment for Mango; most of the times i shop is when i have the chance to go out to another country or on sales(H&M, zara, bershka). i m really thinking to consider the online shopping version as well.

  • Sounds like a fun trip : ) I don't really have a favorite shop. I shop all over the place and sometimes design my own stuff. I love labels, but it doesn't have to be designer. If I like it, I'll buy it regardless of where it's from. Cute blog!

  • da mai scrie,fato,romaneste.ce atata,engleza.engleza,…blogherite din alte tari scriu in limba lor si daca vor,traducerea e mai jos.

  • @Anonim: "fato", scriu in ce limba vreau, poate blogger-itele din alte tari au timp/rabdare de traduceri dar eu nu am.
    daca nu intelegi/nu iti place engleza citeste blogurile in romana:)

  • Am trecut si eu prin "colectia de toamna-iarna 2010" din Zara,Stradivarius,Bershka etc.Sincer,am ramas putin dezamagita – mi se par aceleasi produse ca anii trecuti , nimic nou sub soare. Asa ca eu merg la sigur cu Vero Moda , Only si secondurile pentru completare.Macar asa ma asigur ca nu o sa vad aceleasi haine la fiecare colt de strada.

    Mai mult succes data viitoare :)!

  • Saptamana trecuta am intrat si eu pana la Mango, Zara si restul. Ce ma enerveaza cel mai tare sunt preturile mult prea mari, pe care nu mi le pot permite si care mi se par nejustificate. Iar calitatea, la unele articole, e asa cum spui tu, foarte slaba. In plus, peste tot pe strada vezi fete imbracate din cap pana in picioare de la aceleasi magazine. Totusi mi-au placut unele haine pe care mi le-as fii cumparat, daca as fii avut cu ce… 🙁

  • I'm with CC. I can say that I shop solely online now. Anything in practice maybe exception is Diffusione Tessile (MaxMara outlet). I prefer auction sites like e-Bay where excitement reaches its peak at times and we can buy designer pieces at reasonable prices. Furthermore I really love Etsy and Fashion Days Exclusive Shopping too.

  • I saw some things really beautiful in Zara this week, and I can't wait to buy something as soon as I return to Bucharest in the fall. But I miss wandering around second hand shops, I found two or three around Bucharest but that's it..

  • Din pacate si eu am ramas dezamagita de calitatea produselor Mango, dar si Zara [mall TM]. Au preturi destul de mari, chiar si cand sunt reduceri, dupa parerea mea mult prea mari pt cumparatorii romani. Si calitatea lasa de dorit. Sincer, as fi dat mai mult pt o camasa sau un cardigan dintr-un material de calitate, dar asa cumpar doar eticheta? Si dupa prima spalare pot sa arunc haina?

  • De acord cu preturile prea mari ..o singura nelamurire am de ce ilustrezi articole cu poze CHANEL , STELLA, etc…chiar nu isi au rostu din moment ce spui ca 50$ e mult

  • @Anonim: poza pt articolul asta este ironica:)
    Iar celelalte pentru ca nu gasesc poze cu alte produse.
    50$ e prea mult pentru calitatea respectivei bluze, dar eu personal mi-as cumpara haine de designer/ o sa imi cumpar haine de designer cand o sa am salariul meu:)
    dar haine de la Mango din "plastic" tot nu:)

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