comment moderation:)

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Let’s set things clear, I’ve only deleted two comments in 2 years,other than spamm.
I have nothing against constructive criticism, but if you leave a nasty comment or you comment in a mean way for sure it will be erased. Why? Because it’s my blog and I have the right to moderate the comments however I want.

Those 2 comments, were indeed mean but only one of them was anonymous, the other girl commented on my blog again and it’s ok, I don’t hold a grudge.
But when you don’t even leave a comment and then you go and whine on other blog (by chance, I’m a regular reader) that I deleted your comment and modified the pictures, than you have issues.*the quote is for you*
The funny thing is that I get all of these only from romanians, aww one wished me to die but not in a comment.

I’m really bitchy in real life and I wanted to keep things positive here, but when someone does such things I can’t stand it 🙂
If you have something mean to say, say it in a nice way and you’ll not be moderated.

And to finish, watch this: Disney Mean Girls!


  • That's why I moderate comments too. I accept constructive criticisms and negative remarks as long as there is a person behind that remark. I hate those hiding under the anonymous name. If you have the guts to say negative things, then at least have the balls to show yourself.

    Don't worry about those bitches… keep this in mind, if they're bitching about you and your blog, that means they are envious of your popularity. That's the mindset of the celebrities. Hahaha!

    Have a great day! xoxo

  • I'm so sorry to hear you've gotten some negative comments. Seriously, why do people even waste their time leaving crap like that? It's so pointless!

    Don't ever let them get to you. 🙂

  • I totally agree. I have had a few negative comments on my blog. I usually comment back on the fool that left the comment to let them know that they are wrong and an idiot. Then, I delete it. I can't stand people that comment on blogs just to make people feel unhappy.

  • Ditto for me. I actually once had someone e-mail me and ask why I hadn't posted their comment (a rude one, by the way). They said it was freedom of speech. I told them it was freedom of speech for me to regulate posting it, as well. Like you said, our blogs are ours – we have the ability to approve or disapprove any and all comments!! 🙂

  • Today I also had to face with mean things, stupid things, all the 🙁 things it can hurt your feelings, so I feel like crap today.

    Hope you'll get over it and try you to be nicer and show everybody how "it should be done", ok?


  • I totally agree with you.Some people are just nasty.You know it's so funny but comments which i have't published on my blog(nasty ones),they are all from finnish readers,from my own coutry;)


  • Totally agree! if someone doesn't have something nice to say, uh, why are they reading your blog? CAUSE THEY'RE LOSERS.

    lol. LOVE that mean girls video! 😀

  • De obicei persoanele care lasa comentarii rautacioase sunt pur si simplu invidioase. Nu merita sa le bagi in seama.

  • Nothing wrong with comment moderation. I have it too! Actually, I got it because one of my friends was being a smart ass and leaving stupid remarks. I still love him, but he's not allowed to comment anymore ;o)

    But regardless, don't let them bother you. It's Nookie's world on this page & you can do whatever you want, love!

  • haha, great video! and i totally agree with you, comment moderation is an option for a reason, and i don't see why people bother commenting if they're just going to be mean..

  • Now that's strange cause all the mean comments I get come from Finland. Is there some kind a be mean to your own country's bloggers rule we don't know about? 🙂

    juliet xxx

  • I totally agree- this is your world, your playground, you work for it… I don't really understand these people, but I am sure they DO have an issue…
    have a fabulous day, darling, and don't be mad, it's not worth it 🙂

  • I don`t want to be mean so this is why i write to you and not to faboulista(and because i know you`re friends so maybe you can tell her in a nicer way)…so, those stripped tights look really awful on her(her post from yesterday, march 9). in my opinion that`s a big NO NO NO combination

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