Elle Ro is one of my favorite magazines and featured on cover of the december issue, is Andreea Raicu.For those who don’t know, she’s a model turned tv producer turned actress.The photos were taken in the Louis Vuitton house from Asnieres by Dana&Stephane Maitec and styled by Domnica Margescu.
I don’t usually post Ro editorials, althrough there are a lot of great ones, but this one it’s my fav until now.And Andreea is gorgeous.
What do you think?
ps:ce parere aveti despre Efect 30?
Wow. That is so gorgeous, and she is really pretty!
Stunningly gorgeous, darling! Thanks for posting these amazing pics!
She is incredibly gorgeous. I love her face and all the pictures. I am seeing a lot the bunny ears lately. Is is a new trend? I can´t see myself with some of those.
B* a la Moda
She is beautiful! LV still likes doing those rabbit ears. Just like they put on Madonna
Foarte reusit editorialul, Andreea arata intr-un mare fel, cu toate ca nu sunt o mare fana!
Well, cine nu arata bine in astfel de haine si accesorii:)
Chiar imi este dor sa rasfoiesc Elle Romania, intotdeauna f bine lucrata revista, cunoastem foarte bine cauza, hihi:)
Hope you're doing great!
she's gorgeous!
wow… perfect..
wow! she is incredibly beautiful! hope you have a great day 🙂 x
lovely editorial…love it!
Foarte reusit editorial;ul – poate concura cu cele din afara. Andreea looks stunning! The only thing I don't understand is the rose/flower in her mouth in one of the pictures!:)
Oh my. These are all amazing. I love it!
Oh. My. Gosh. This is truly one of the most stunning editorials I have ever laid eyes on! 🙂
Wow, this is awesome!
wooow,genial pictorial in special poza cu ea langa geam:X
Shes stunninggg
This is an absolutely beautiful editorial
Foarte reusit editorialul, pozele sunt nemaipomenite.
Love the Pictures she is Pretty..Nice blog btw
Foarte bun editorialul, hainele sunt alese minunat, iar Andreea arata ff bine. N-am reusit sa-mi iau nici o revista cand am fost acasa si mi-e f ciuda 🙁
PS: pot sa postez si eu imaginile? ;;)
Oh beautiful..everything is perfect !!!!ladies i found gorgeous shoes :www.arunaseth.com
Just take a look,i bought the cerise….mmmmhhhh stunning!!!!
Gorgeous Editorial, I love it!
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